Monday, March 16, 2015


Chapters 8,11, and 17 talk a lot about nutrition and how important is to maintain a healthy life. Nutrition is on my mind this week.

Nutrition is the power source that enables the body to function properly and keeps it healthy. The supply of nutrition furnished to the body via intake of various food items, enables it to carry out all the body functions appropriately, thereby enabling it to protect itself from invasion of viruses, bacteria and toxins. From the food consumed, the body absorbs the simple but essential minerals, vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and water into the bloodstream.

Why is good nutrition so important? Food and the nutrients obtained from food are viral to keep the body healthy and alive. Nutrients are required in order to build and repair cells and body tissues, maintain the organs and bones in optimum working condition and to provide energy, fuel and warmth.

What is a balanced diet? Food can be broken down in to five major groups. These groups are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. The body needs varying amounts of these types of food so that the adequate amount of nutrients is supplied to the body. Each type of food plays a significant role in our body but excesses or deficiencies of certain types of food can also harm the body and produce a negative impact on our health.

Basically, for optimum health a well-balanced diet should include plenty of complex carbohydrates, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, a moderate amount of meat and dairy products, eight glasses of water a day and a limited amount of saturated fats and sugars. A well-balanced diet should also complemented with plenty exercise, a small intake of alcohol and no smoking whatsoever.


  1. Sometimes eating healthy is easier said than done. It is a whole lot cheaper to eat junk food than it is to eat healthy food. It seems that lawmakers should do something about this. Even when they put healthy alternative snacks in vending machines and also have the junk food also in there the healthy snacks are more expensive! At the hospital I work at this is the case and if you happen to be a mother there with a sick child and you have other children with you who are hungry and want a snack and you only have so much money what are you going to choose?

  2. I wish eating healthy was simple! I think that the fact that all the bad foods are cheaper and such make it more difficult to eat healthy! I think that if we want everyone healthier then we need to make those foods more accessible to everyone. If you are wealthy enough to not care what you buy then you are okay, but being on a budget hinders that. I wonder if anyone takes that into consideration whilst they judge everyone for being somewhat overweight?
